As you can see in the photo above, simply
shifting the strike plate and cutting out
more of the doorjamb can greatly reduce your
family's security by weakening the door frame. Enter Sure-Strike. Our patented retractable pin technology allows misaligned deadbolts to enter and securely lock,
thus solving the shifty door problem and
helping keep your family and your belongings
safe and secure.
Still not sure if the Sure-Strike
will fit your particular door?
See our Pre-Install Qualifications List:
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q. Do most kick-in burglaries happen at the front or back door?
A. We are not aware of any supportable statistics that indicate which entry door is likely to be targeted by burglars. It probably depends on visibility, lighting, and other circumstances. We highly recommend a Sure-Strike be installed on all entry doors, including the one from your garage to your home.
Q. How real is the risk of a kick-in burglary?
A. In 2005, there were 2.9 million household burglaries in the United States, many of them kick-ins. This represents a loss of $3.1 billion dollars. These crimes are increasing at an alarming rate, so shoring up the strength of your door is a solid investment in your family’s safety.
Q. What else do you recommend for door security besides installing the Sure-Strike?
A. In addition to adding Sure-Strike, we recommend a wrap-around plate be installed on the door around the doorknobs. These plates can be purchased through locksmiths and at home improvement centers everywhere.
Q. My door has alignment problems, but I’m able to lock it by pushing down on the door. Is my door secure?
A. You are fortunate that your problem is easily solved with a little muscle. Not everybody is so lucky, or so strong. However, your deadbolt may not be reaching its full extension, meaning your door isn’t fully locked because a burglar could easily pry it open. Installing the Sure-Strike would ensure your deadbolt would always be “dead on.”
Q. How is Sure-Strike better than just adding longer screws to my existing plate?
A. While adding longer screws is better than nothing, there still is only a thin metal strip on the doorjamb protecting you. The Sure-Strike housing is embedded into both the jack stud and adjoining king stud of the frame of your home. Its flange and cover plate combine to measure 3/16” thick and is secured by two 3 1/2” hardened steel screws. Plus, the Sure-Strike measures nearly 5” in length. This combined thickness, depth and length of Sure-Strike is much more secure than the common strike plate.
Q. To cure alignment problems, I installed a strike plate with a larger hole, and now my lock works just fine. Why should I get Sure-Strike?
A. The problem with this solution is that the deadbolt is not completely encased by the strike plate when locked and the door is subject to back-and-forth movement. This movement, while minor, is just enough to allow impact forces more leverage or a prying device more accessibility. It also allows for air to escape and enter your home. The patent-pending technology of the Sure-Strike provides pins that fully surround the deadbolt shaft, thus eliminating this movement and pushing the door against the weather strip, preventing unwanted airflow drafts. All aspects of the Sure-Strike address security and functionality.
Q. Some kick-in proof door systems are, to say the least, visually unappealing. How does the Sure-Strike look?
A. Sure-Strike was designed to be hidden from view. Obviously, when the door is open, a somewhat larger strike plate will be seen, but it will have a cover plate that matches the door hardware finish. When the door is closed, very little of the Sure-Strike will be noticed.
Q. My strike plate screws unscrew themselves over a period of time and the holes are wobbled out. What prevents the Sure-Strike from having the same problem?
A. Your problem may be due to short screws that only penetrate the doorjamb, which is only ¾” thick, or due to larger screw hole sizes caused by repeated moving of the strike plate. Sure-Strike comes with 3 1/2” hardened steel screws that penetrate not only the doorjamb but also into the two 2x4 studs that make up most doorframes. Since the Sure-Strike solves the problem of adjusting for alignment for good, it should not be necessary to ever remove these long screws provided with each Sure-Strike package or move Sure-Strike after the initial installation.
Q. My doorjamb is a mess from moving my strike plate several times.
Do I need to replace it?
A. If the mess you describe is only in the area where the Sure-Strike will be installed - the answer is probably "no." The Sure-Strike faceplate was designed to cover up those years of damage from moving the strike plate back and forth.
Q. My door is so out of alignment that it no longer fits the doorframe and will not close. If I shave off the top and bottom of my door will the Sure-Strike work with the deadbolt?
A. It sounds like you have major doorframe issues. We would recommend you address those issues first and then install the Sure-Strike.
Q. Does the Sure-Strike come in different colors?
A. Yes, the Sure-Strike comes with a variety of cover plate finishes to match your door hardware.
Q. Is the Sure-Strike hard to install?
A. Professionals such as locksmiths, carpenters, and handymen will find the Sure-Strike simple and easy to install. If you have the skills to use a power drill, wood chisel and hammer you will be able to install the Sure-Strike by following the installation instructions.
Q. What is Sure-Strike made of?
A. The Sure-Strike housing is made of high performance composites designed for all weather conditions. The inner workings of the Sure-Strike are made of stainless steel to resist corrosion and rust. The cover plate is made of cold rolled steel. Each material that makes up the Sure-Strike was chosen to be durable, efficient, and able to handle the worst of climatic extremes.
Q. Where can I buy a Sure-Strike?
A. The Sure-Strike product line can currently be purchased online at www.sure-strike.com or Amazon. Sure-Strike is also available through select local locksmiths, door hardware installation specialists, and security installers.